Saturday, October 17, 2009

Halloween Revisited

Yep, it's that time of the year again, when young Jimmy pleads with his mum to buy him that blood-splattered-glow-in-the-dark meat cleaver on display in the toy store's window.

Halloween is 2 weeks away, and once again I'm concerned at the amount of parents encouraging their kids to participate in a celebration which has its roots in pagan devil worship.

I wonder, as Mary delights in how cute her 5-year-old daughter looks in her which's hat and broomstick, does she have any idea what that broomstick was originally used for?

Probably not.

I've spent the morning revising the Halloween origins study. It is now up to date, and relevant.

Click here to view the PDF.

Please read it through, and even if you don't agree, you will understand it's origins.

God bless,


Monday, October 12, 2009

Congratulations, Jason and Rachel!

What a day! A miraculous circle of blue, aggressively defying the grey-fingered clouds, encircled the outdoor wedding of Rachel and Jason this Saturday; and, despite the despairing premonitions of, not a drop of rain fell throughout the entire ceremony (afterward, the rain pelted down like a tide of apprehensive children just released by the starting-gun on cross-country day).

Glory to God for a couple bent on living out his purposes and plans!


Friday, October 2, 2009

Jason let-off-lightly van der Hulst

He was tackled and beaten into the sand. He was shackled by trailer strops, shoved in a bathtub, doused in flour and water. He was finally taken about 100 metres down the beach and left by some rocks... Hmmm, nice, but he came out of it with his pride 100% intact and his body 100% unscathed. You be the judge.



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